What is Laser Surgery?

LASER is an abbreviation for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation, and it is a procedure we use for surgery. The carbon dioxide laser delivers an intense beam of infrared light, which sterilises the surgical site and targets the tissue making a precise incision.






Why you should be asking for laser treatment for your cat?

  • Seals nerve endings as it cuts so there is less pain

  • Seals small blood vessels during surgery and minimises blood loss

  • No physical contact except the invisible laser beam

  • Laser sterilises the surgical site as it cuts

  • Less bleeding and swelling resulting in faster healing

  • The beam’s precision means minimal side effects on surrounding healthy tissue

  • Reduced hospitalisation time

What is the laser treatment useful for?

  • Swift, bloodless, less painful removal of all benign skin tumours

  • Treatment of all stages of solar damage including precancerous actinic lesions

  • Superior treatment of interdigital cysts

Worried about your cat? Give us a call. We treat your pet like one of our own. Call now on: +61 08 6277 9430 (Murdoch) and (Balcatta) or email: dermnurses@adcmg.com