How can we test if your dog is deaf?

Here at Animal Dermatology Clinic-Perth, we are able to perform hearing testing to evaluate for deafness of your cat or dog. We use a highly sensitive machine that evaluates the Electrical Auditory Brainstem Response (E-ABR) to determine the ability to hear. The test measures the capacity of your dog or cat to hear in the normal human range of hearing. Some dogs will test as deaf but can still hear very high-pitched noises that humans cannot detect.

When can deafness happen?

Deafness at birth is known as congenital deafness and can be inherited in some specific breeds. Whilst there are many different factors and genes involved, some breeders will test their litters of puppies before selling them. Breeds that are at higher risk are;

  • Dalmatians

  • English Setters

  • English Cocker Spaniels

  • Australia Cattle Dogs

  • white American bulldogs

  • white Boxers

  • white Bull Terriers

  • Jack Russell terriers.

    Deafness can also occur as a result of chronic ear infection, wax plugs, trauma, exposure to topical and systemic drug treatments, anaesthesia and exposure to loud noises. Most dogs and cats experience a deterioration in hearing associated with the aging process.

What age can the test be preformed?

We can perform the testing in dogs from as young as seven weeks of age, although hearing loss can happen up to 16 weeks of age, so we recommend retesting or waiting until puppies and kittens are over 16 weeks of age.

Does my pet need sedation?

The process of testing is performed under sedation as we need dogs and cats in a calm and natural state when testing. 

Can my pets hearing come back?

If a puppy or kitten tests negative for hearing in one or both ears due to congenital deafness then the hearing loss is permanent. We can give you advice about appropriate support services to help you train your deaf pet. Chronic infection or wax plugs can be treated appropriately by the Animal Dermatology clinic. In this case we will re-test hearing after these are resolved.

Will I get my pet's results on the same day?

The hearing test results are given to you on the same day, so when you collect your pet upon discharge, we will be able to let you an outcome of the test.

Worried that you pet may be deaf? 

Give us a call. We treat your pet like one of our own. Call now on: +61 08 6277 9430 (Murdoch) and (Balcatta) or email: