What is Laser Surgery?
LASER is an abbreviation for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation, and it is a procedure we use for surgery. The carbon dioxide laser delivers an intense beam of infrared light, which sterilises the surgical site and targets the tissue precisely. This limits the damage to the surrounding skin.
Why laser treatment may be recommended for your dog?
Seals nerve endings as it cuts so there is less pain
Seals small blood vessels during surgery and minimises blood loss
No physical contact except the invisible laser beam
Laser sterilises the surgical site as it cuts
Less bleeding and swelling resulting in faster healing
The beam’s precision means minimal side effects on surrounding healthy tissue
Reduced hospitalisation time
What is the laser treatment useful for?
Swift, bloodless, less painful removal of all benign skin tumours
Treatment of all stages of solar damage including precancerous actinic lesions
Treatment for viral papilloma in young and old dogs
Treatment of gingival hyperplasia in Boxers and other breeds
Superior treatment of interdigital cysts
Worried about your dog? Give us a call. We treat your pet like one of our own. Call now on: +61 08 6277 9430 (Murdoch) and (Balcatta) or email: dermnurses@adcmg.com