Our Story
Name of furbaby: Pepito (Pepe)
Name of furbaby’s human: Susan
Name of furbaby’s doctor: Dr. Alex Moore and Dr Mandy Burrows
Info from owner: Pepe had painful, rough lumps under his skin; he had started behaving strangely, was very lethargic, not acting himself. I had taken him to my local vet but they were unsure what was wrong with him and said I should go for a dermatology consult.
Multiple biopsies submitted for histopathology and deep tissue culture confirmed an immune mediated pyogranulomatous and necrotising panniculitis and multifocal vasculitis with secondary multi-resistant staphylococcal infection (MRSP). No underlying cause was evident.
Date 14.2.20
Date 4.3.20
Date 8.4.20
A rigorous treatment approach was initiated in order to treat Pepito’s multifactorial disease:
Immunomodulatory therapy: cyclosporin and prednisolone
Systemic antibiotics and topical antimicrobial agents (1:30 dilution household bleach)
Regular wound assessment, wound cleaning and bandage changes using hypertonic saline dressings to promote tissue healing
Analgesia (pain relief) as required
Regular blood monitoring whilst on immunosuppressive medications
Nutritional support: probiotic supplements and digestive care diet
After months of regular reviews, blood tests and bandage changes, we are thrilled to report that Pepito’s skin lesions have now completely healed. Pepito’s hair coat is beginning to re grow and thicken. He is full of energy and no longer withdrawn and depressed. He is acting like his normal cheeky self again! Pepito’s long term treatment plan involves slowly tapering his immunosuppressive medications whilst ensuring he remains in disease remission.
Why we love ADC:
We have had the most amazing treatment at Murdoch dermatology clinic, especially Dr Alex who responded to my many panicked emails sent at all hours. Pepe is doing amazingly well now, we are so happy. Thank you!